Corrosion in general: In corrosive environments, bare metal surfaces are uniformly thinned by chemical and electrochemical reactions, also known as uniform corrosion, often at the corrosion rate g / m².h or the corrosion rate mm / a to determine the alloy’s Corrosion resistance.
Local corrosion: a pitting, crevice corrosion, microbial corrosion MIC, intergranular corrosion. In a corrosive environment, a localized corrosion form of destruction occurs at a particular location on a bare metal surface or at a particular part of a component.
Environmental cracking: stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue, liquid metal cracking, hydrogen embrittlement. In the corresponding environment, the material itself under the action of mechanical factors produce a form of corrosion damage. Environment, mechanical factors and material factors coexist three is the premise of such corrosion.
Abrasion: A metal surface exposed to a corrosive medium accelerates the rate of material damage or corrosion due to the relative movement of the corrosive medium and the metal surface. This corrosion usually contains wear and erosion. Metals that dissociate from the surface act as dissolved ions or as corrosion products away from the metal surface.
Galvanic corrosion: In the corrosive medium, the two different potential metal contact with each other to form a galvanic couple, the more negative potential corrosion of the material.
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Post time: May-11-2018